“Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”
Raw. Vegan. Gluten Free. Chocolate. Slice.
I am like that bad partner who comes and goes as they please, throws a lot of nice stuff your way, then leaves again. I’m hoping that y’all will keep coming back for more, but maybe you won’t. Let’s hope I can shape up and be that girlfriend you love and miss so much!
Okay, now that you know how I’m feeling and that I’m truly working on this relationship, let’s get into it. Happy New Year! 2019! Yeah! Funny thing about me—I have this weird tick when it comes to numbers. Volume on the radio has to be at certain numbers, same with the tv. If I’m running, I can’t just stop my Garmin on any number, there are specific ones I like…so yes, I’ll keep going if I’m not comfortable with the number. Same goes with times of doing things, and here we are at 2019. NINETEEN is not a number I love. Nope, don’t love 1, don’t love 9, certainly am not a fan of 1-9! I like 20, but eh that 19 really is messing with me.
That being said, I think this year is going to be gooooddd. That self care has already started to kick in, mentally and physically I’m stronger, I’m quite a bit less stressed than usual (don’t get me wrong, I am still a stressed out lil lady, but we’re improving!), and I’m even finding my work to be chill sometimes. Like enjoying it. Minus the fact that Atlanta is now cold (eye roll) for the next month, I am oh so content! Did I mention that my rough and tough New England body can’t even handle the chilly mornings that are below 35˚?! I’ve turned soft.
This has turned silly and not even a life update, not even a recipe talk, just a cool ol’ Kitkat ramble!
Okay. This recipe.
I worked on it for a MINUTE. Like, woof, over a month on this bad boy and I love it so much. The whole dairy free life has really sparked creativity in me. Also, just the fact that I now am more in tune with my digestion, I know what to eat and avoid, how to eat certain things to make my tummy less gurgly, too. Listen. To. Your. Body. Yeah, Sarah’s Day reference, get at me!
The base of this raw/vegan/gf slice is dreamy. I would just snack on it alone. OH! Idea! Let’s make it into a granola-type next time. Taking note now.The blend of nuts and seeds with a touch of sweetness from the dates, mmmm yes. And a hint of peppermint, really just calms and soothes you. Oh, and cacao powder. Toasted coconut. Duh. What a lovely match!
Next is the MOOSE. Mousse. You can’t even taste the bananas. Blew my mind when I threw this together! I wanted a creamy, smooth, luxurious mousse, and ya girl has come out on top! It’s so smooth. Like body butter smooth. YUM. And to me, it’s a spoonful of health! Or like…healthier. And sprinkle the top with basically a blizzard of toasted coconut, you got yourself a ZERT!
Here you have it, my first pride and joy of 2019. Tummy ache free, delicious, has the goods, has the seeds, has the cacao, has the oils, has it ALL! It’s also been slowly enjoyed by my roommate and I this week… so I’d say the number 19 isn’t all that bad if it’s going to start like this!
base ingredients
Almonds—5 oz, or ¾ C
Pepitas—2 TBL
Toasted Coconut—1 oz, or 2/3 C
Chia Seeds—1 TBL
Maca powder—1 tsp
Flax Meal—1 TBL
Vanilla Powder—1 tsp
Pink Sea Salt—1 tsp
Cacao Powder—2 TBL
Coconut Oil—1.5 oz, or 3 TBL
Peppermint Extract—¼ tsp
Combine all of the ingredients in your blender or food processor and pulse until all ground and combined.
If you are having a tough time, add in a Tablespoon of coconut milk.
Press this into the bottom of a tart pan. You can also use a pie dish, cake pan, whatever you have that works best! The tart pan is nice because you can remove the sides.
Put in the freezer while you prep the mousse.
mousse ingredients
Coconut Milk—2 TBL
Coconut Oil—2 TBL
Cacao Powder—1.75 oz, or ½ C
Peppermint Extract—¾ tsp
Dark Chocolate—2 oz
Toasted Coconut—1 oz, or 2/3 C
In the same blender or food processor (don’t even think to clean it!), combine all of the ingredients except the toasted coconut.
Pulse until nice and smooth. You may add a splash more coconut milk if needed!
Spread this evenly over the base.
Cover with the remainder of the toasted coconut and freeze.
You may also put this in the fridge, but I prefer the ‘icebox’ bar better.
When ready to eat, remove from the freezer, slice a nice thick piece and enjoy!
Bon Appétit!